Saturday, April 8, 2017

On the road - Bolivias nødlinier

Vi er skøre heroppe på vores breddegrader,
hvor en ridse eller en bule i bilen udløser 
stress, surhed og bunkevis af penge til blikopretning...
Biler, motorcykler og knallerter kan transportere
de mest utrolige mængder af personer og gods,
og det på de mest utrolige, udfordrende veje
opad og nedad med de mest sindsyge stigninger. 
Se myrer og mennesker er slet ikke så forskellige!!!
Men bremser og styretøj skal virke!  Og chaufførerne 
er cool og er brilliant dygtige.




Sunday, April 2, 2017

Walls with a story

Samaipata / Bolivia
Not that there is anything wrong
with our Nordic, suttle surfaces...
but when the personality is pulled
out on the outside of the house,
a totally new story evokes...


Friday, March 17, 2017

At the verge of eternity

Larks trilling
above swaying grassblades...
The sun
playing sword-beams
from left to right...
The thunder of Universe
roaring on my beach
with promises of liberation...
So overwhelming now
as it was
when Man was created.

The up-swollowed ship-wrecks
and their ancient stories,
rubbish and filth of all men
by the mercy
of a silvery mirror
covered up and forgotten.
And I watch the horizon,
and I cry out loud:
"Oh, God!
The Earth is so beautiful!

Let us remember the ocean
before it turns black
