Tuesday, March 12, 2019


Jeg mødes med dig
hver morgen

er jeg alene
hver morgen
Du er der ikke
Men vi mødes i det, 
der var  

Nu her 
sammen og borte

Egentlig er ingenting
det hele
Og det er godt at huske
hver morgen



I meet with you every morning

I'm alone
every morning

You are not there
But we meet
in the past  

Here now
together and apart

nothing is all
And this is good to remember
every morning

Friday, June 9, 2017


Og snart er studenterne over os,
mere eller mindre flyvefærdige til
"at gå ud i samfundet"...
De stramme eksamenstøjler
slippes i et hylende, hujende 
inferno af druk, løjer og kåd glæde, 
Opfindsomheden er bundløs, når det 
gælder om at få mest mulig opmærksomhed...


And soon the students will be over us,
more or less ready "to join the society"... 
The exam´s tight reins unrestrained in a 
howling, jeering inferno of drinking, fun 
and cheerful flippancy...
Inventiveness is bottomless when trying to 
obtain most attention...


Friday, June 2, 2017


Hele denne rejse
tager den tid, den tager,
men da rejsen er vigtigere end målet,
er det ikke noget problem.
Den må gerne vare hele fremtiden...

This whole journey
takes whatever time it takes,
but with the journey more important than the goal,
this is no problem.
It may well take all future...


Sunday, May 28, 2017

Primitive force 3


The pulse of the sea
are those words
all men before me have spoken
And I hear them through my skin
and understand them
The mouse, darting over the sand
I see with my heart,
and what I taste with my eyes
is my midnight supper


Friday, May 19, 2017

Primitive force 2

Right now  life is sprouting everywhere in nature, 
and the evenings become lighter and lighter.
Soon we are in the midst of these gaggling, mystical nights 
where no light fades completely -
where the evening star appears radiantly on a light green, 
pink, golden sky and the smell of night intoxicates. 
This time is so short, so fleeting. We have to drink it in and 
keep it firmly alive through the dark, oppressive winter nights.

What made the vault of heaven so vast?
Could a night be all colors at one time?
Silver-red azure-light
Moon-polished thought
alone in dim-glossy air
The sonorous vibrations tickle my nostrils
All is calm
and the songs from the Universe
smell like the meadows of Eden


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Primitive force 1

Last time I was sitting here,
it was winter
That time too
the ocean was quiet for a moment
Squeezed by tons of icecoat-armour
it had time off from battle
But I knew then,
that soon enough
again with a moan and a bellow
the giant would run amuck
Lift up the strait-jacket
as if it was nothing
Wrench these masses
as though they were scrap metal
Break them like matches


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Men størst af alt er kærligheden

Der skal blot et kort møde til
med flygtninge af kød og blod,
før tyngden af de byrder, de bærer
på mærkes gennem marv og ben...

Uden dig, elskede,  
åd havets gru mit fortumlede sind
Uden dine kærtegn var nattens salte mørke 
som syre mod mit skind
Drevet fra alt, jeg har elsket,
drømte jeg blot om at leve...

Gående i tusinders fodspor 
sled asfalten huller i mit selvværd,
mens jeg drømte de sødeste drømme 
om kærligheden og et liv uden rædsler 
Drømte om et liv uden angst i 
Havfrue-Landet højt deroppe mod Nord...

Ensom gryr dagen efter nattens terror
Frygtede som alle de andre nætter
at du led overlast. Lever du, Skat? 
Ses vi mon atter? 
Er du uskadt og hel?
Drømte om at redde dit liv i Damaskus...

Savnets klo har tag om mit hjerte
Hvordan kan jeg være ikke-bange
selv i havfruens eventyrland
med et eventyr så fuld af hæslige trolde?
Drømmer om at sove en drømmeløs søvn
og først vågne igen ved dit kys på min pande...


It takes but a short rendezvous
with refugees in flesh and blood
before the weight of the burdens
they are carrying is felt through
your own bones and marrow

But the greatest of all is love

Without you, Love, the horror of the ocean 
gulped down my mind´s confusion
Without your cuddles the salty darkness 
of the nights hit my skin like acid
Driven away from all I ever cherished
I just dreamed about living...

Walking the footsteps of thousands
the asphalt wore down my self-image,
whilst I daydreamed sweet dreams
about love and life without horrors
Dreamed of a life without fear 
in the Fairy-land high on the North

Lonely, after still a night of terrors
I fear you may not be unharmed.
Will I see you again, still not damaged?
Are you yet living whole and sound?
Dreamed I would save your life in Damascus...

The claw of privation grips tight on my heart
Fear is my master in the Land-of-the-mermaid
with a story so full of hideous trolls!
Dreaming to sleep without dreams
First to be awakened with your kiss on my forehead...