Saturday, February 1, 2020

The strangers - never tonight

The cruelty in everybody
protrudes its ugly head
these days - everywhere

With a hideous squall
man´s drag-anchor burst!
Nasty gossip, 
derogatory thoughts 
and horrible allegations about " the hated"
have come loose
from the corners
of our foundation -
worse than a gallbladder, aching of stones,
or an explosive air windbag...
After the rupture point
the most dangerous poison to spread

A damp, suffocating gas
whirls from the misty sea
Only a few have the ability
to discern right from wrong
through the fog

Don´t You Swagger, Brother!
Or Sister!
With your squaled mind, that quakes
while spiraling through unoccupied time -
you are just a rock
without buoyancy in a gloomy sea

Soon, raw and savage rain
is pouring down through the fog,
and floods our grim world.
If we do not change our thoughts.
If you do not change your ways
and drop your hatred!

Life´s impediment
for the meyham among people
is ever predictable

Despite being scaly as a fish,
you do not swim - are worn only,
screaming and whirring,
splintered and smashed
by the current,
and squeezed, finally,
until your guts spread

The mesmerizing dolphins sence the suffering
Is swimming with us humans with mercy
in their sacred mission,
that our delusions must cease

These bold animals, 
with all their wisdom,
will swim with us
through the pain of a bleak future
despite our ugly, distorted minds -
while we as brothers and sisters
will have to understand without prejudice
to love,
to live for love,
to love all kinds;
and follow our own tracks,
back to the days at the very beginning


1 comment:

  1. Kære Kamete. Mit engelske er ikke godt nok til at få det fulde udbytte af digtet. En maskinoversættelse til dansk har gjort det lidt nemmere. Enhver kan jo udlægge teksten som det nu opfattes. Det har jeg så forsøgt. Det er meget skidt og mange dårligdomme. Vi skal passe på med, hvad vi gør. Det kan faktisk gå rigtig galt, men størst af alt er kærligheden. Tak
